Why Pitrupaksha is a necessary ritual?

Aditi Mazumdar
3 min readSep 20, 2022


Pitrupaksha is a ritual performed in Hinduism, which has come down from the Vedic times and should be carried on by one until one`s lifetime.

“Pitru” (Pitrus) are the group of our ancestors who have passed away. In simple words, “Pitrus” are our forefathers. “Paksha” is the fifteen days period of the Mahalaya month. Each of the Hindu months are divided into 15 days of two Pakshas, that is, one is Shukla Paksha and another is Krishna Paksha.

This period is very important and special for observances of shraddha. Pitru Paksha (Shradh) is a 16-day period of paying homage to your ancestors who have departed from this materialistic world, as per the Hindu calendar. The period is marked by offering prayers, food, and daan to the needy and the priests in the temple. All the rituals and prayers are performed in respect and remembrance of the ancestors who left for the heavenly abode and to wish them well wherever they are.

As per ancient folklore, when Karna, Kunti’s first son from Mahabharata died, he went to heaven and was offered gold and precious jewels, to which Karna asked Indra that he wish to have food and water, and not these precious jewels. Hearing that Indra replied to Karna that he only donated gold and jewels to people all his life and never offered food and water in the name of his ancestors.

To this, Karna told Indra that he didn’t know about his ancestors because he was blessed by Surya deva, the lord of light and day, to his mother, and he has no clue of his ancestors. After this Karna was sent to earth for a period of 15 days so that he could perform shradh for his ancestors and donate food and water. Since then, this period of 15 days is regarded as pitrupaksha.

As documented in the Garuda Purana Shradh holds major significance in the first year of death. As per the ancient scriptures, it is believed that the soul starts traveling to Yamapuri on the 14th day after death and reaches there in 17 days. They again travel for 11 months to reach the court of Yamaraj. It is said that till the time the soul reaches the court, it has no access to food, water, and clothes. The daan, tarpan, and offerings that we perform during Pitru paksha reach these souls and satisfy their hunger and thirst.

Offerings done in this period would give peace to the ancestors and they would bestow their blessings for health, longevity, knowledge, wealth and liberation too, on those who perform, according to the sacred scriptures. Rites when not performed by the descendants for their ancestors would make them aimlessly wander in the earth plane. Such a state would result in unfavourable conditions for the family members. Performing rites to ancestors would solve many problems related to health, marriage, money, family discord, and others. Feeding of the poor should be done and crows should also be fed with the offerings made to the ancestors.

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